not so good for the treadi was trying to enjoy some summer weather that has finally decided to grace us with its presence here in san diego, so i rolled down the passenger window on the way to work this morning. cruising along happily, i noticed a yellow-ish object about window-height to my right, so i carefully glanced over. it took a few tries at carefully glancing for me to finally discern what the object was. what i first mistook for a bee that had blown in to the car and was buzzily trying to get back out against the wind coming through the window, i finally made out to be a big ol' yellow SPIDER, dangling and swinging in the air about the passenger seat. i grabbed my purse, which the spider was aiming to land on, and spent a few too many moments glancing when i skidded my front tire up against the curb. this, of course, caused me to jerk the car back in to the center of the lane, and probably scare my fellow motorists. the spider finally landed on the door, and crawled in to the door handle space on the inside of the door, where i was able to blow it out and in to the parking garage once i got to work. it's not that i mind spiders, for the most part. they have an important job to do in this world, and far be it from me to interfere with anyone (or anything) just trying to do its job. however, their sneak attacks rattle my nerves sometimes, and i do have to dispatch of them on occasion. this guy survived, i think, but is now in a new location probably quite far from where he was originally headed. i just didn't want that destination to be my purse, mostly for the fact that it is also yellow, and i'm not sure i could have taken the surprise of a piece of my purse suddenly crawling up my arm lightly. so, for all involved, i thought it best to get him out of the car as quickly as possible (and still get to work on time), and with as little damage... and, i needed to get those tires realigned anyway.
current mood: