a note on the power of musici have never really had a love affair with music. i enjoy it, and there are certainly tunes that i have an instinctive must-move-to reaction. but for the most part i don't use music to influence my emotions or actions. but when that happens, it's sort of magical.
i was at the gym last night... talk about another thing that i definitely DO NOT have a love affair with. i go because i know it's good for me and it's something i'm supposed to do, but i do not enjoy the time there or the way i feel during or after my gym foray. in fact, most of the time, i'm trying to talk myself into staying, or completing the set, or not knocking 10 minutes off my designated cardio time. last night was no exception. knowing i have a few events i want to look great at coming up, i forced myself to go. i punched in 35 minutes into the elliptical, and started bargaining with Me for the next 30 minutes... "what?! only 12 minutes in? make it to 15, at least" ... "i'll be done at 20 minutes" ... "25 minutes with 5 minutes cool down counts, right?" ... etc. somehow i had talked myself all the way in to 30 minutes, and was ready to bail. and then, in two minds, one with a foot hovering in the air ready to step down, and the other with a hand reaching in to my pocket and finding the iPod to fast forward to another song, it happened: an eminem song came on, my foot popped back on to the machine, and i blasted through the last 5 minutes of my workout with the tunes and my legs pumping and the sweat pouring. it was, and is, sort of amazing. while i can't say that it will make me want to jump back in to the gym, at least i was proud for having finished strong (or at all)!
current mood: