which is worse?i find myself in a bit of a conundrum: knowing that i am usually a tasty treat to any sort of bug that likes human blood, we brought along some seriously powerful DEET-laden products to protect me. it seems now that i have developed an allergic reaction to the stuff after practically bathing in it for a week, and my arms and legs are covered not in bites, but in hives.
so which would you choose? a bumpy future awaits me either way, but for now, i'm trying to cleanse myself of the DEET, and am taking my chances on the bugs. besides, it just so happens that i brought along a FABULOUS mosquito hunter who the locals like to call "wow". (the kids in najayo, for some reason, couldn't get their mouths to form r's name, and sounds of "wow! wow!" would float across the street or be heard from inside a classroom long before he showed up).
current mood: