when it comes to fashion...i am one who it can be said that i have a definite style. what that style is exactly defined as is a totally different story. more than a few times this past week, i've had the funny feeling that i was looking ... not normal. not that the fashion choices i was making were "bad", necessarily, but perhaps a better word would be "themed". last week, i had a few moments of niggling recognition of ___________ (something?), and by the time i reached the office, i knew what that something was. Thus followed the solicitation from my colleagues, which usually went something like:
colleague: "i like your outfit today" or "oh, you look cute"
b*: "thanks... do i look like i could be a part of ABBA?" or "yeah, i seemed to have dressed like mister rogers today."
colleague: "hmmm, now that you say that... totally."
don't get me wrong, i'm not complaining; i don't find putting an outfit together a chore at all. but as mo said, "britt doesn't just get dressed in the morning, she puts on her costume for the day."
well said, my friend. i guess there are worse things to be known for.
current mood:
change your outfit, change your life!