a ray of hopein an attempt to finally resolve the issues going on with my bank(s), i had to head in to the branch yesterday and speak with a real! live! PERSON! (shocking in this digital age, but it had to be done). on the way in to the branch, a panhandler was stationed near the door, leaning against a post, and soliciting all who walked by for some help getting some food. he flung the same plea towards me, and i laced my answer with the frustrations i've been swimming in since this whole fraud thing started. i told him, "if i can get money out of this bank, i'd be very happy to help you out." he smiled wide and wished me luck.
45 minutes later, i left the bank, more frustrated than ever, and
sans any cash in hand. the guy looked at me hopefully, and asked "how'd it go?" i gave him a sad look and shook my head, and he did something unexpected... he offered me money. he said that he had made ten dollars so far, and that i could have five. i smiled and said that was okay, he should keep it, but he shook his head and told me to take it. i insisted that i would be able to work things out, and he sent me off with an encouraging, "tomorrow will be a good day!".
wow. i couldn't help but feel good about this guy... not that i condone the begging part, but a little slice of sunshine in a cloud of frustration is never a bad thing.
current mood: