leeeeavin, on a jet planeon monday, i'm going to get a little luck of the irish, though one of those lucky girls is actually in scotland. it will be nice to wake my passport up from its two year slumber and put it to work again. i fly from san diego to dublin, and then have a 10-hour layover until my flight to edinburgh. i plan on stashing my luggage and hopping a ride in to the city to take a little tour of ___________ (trinity college? the guinness storehouse? all of the above??), before braving the horror that can be ryanair and hopping a plane over to edinburgh to spend some much-needed QT with my best non-j-friend from my stint in japan, the lovely kelly. then back to dublin for a little curly-headed madness known as grace... my colleague raymond walked me through some of his favorite hometown spots in ireland, so i am equipped with a local's perspective from every angle, even if i don't actually do all (or any) of it!
i can barely type this out, i'm so excited! then back to work when i get home, the kiddies start to drift back to san diego, and the crazy work schedule begins once again.
current mood: