on my way to being ocdi'm a couple of weeks into the new gig, and there are some definite, palpable changes from any other office i've worked in. first of all, it's so quiet, and that, to me, is distracting. it makes it that much easier to zone out, staring at the ocean and watching the paragliders, when no one is trying to get my attention or breaking up the landscape. i'm also acutely aware of my attire on a day-to-day basis. less on a dress-for-the-job-you-want sense, though that has become more of a concept in my wardrobe than ever before. more on a everyone-around-you-is-wearing-closed-toed-shoes-and-safety-goggles sort of way, which makes me wonder if one of these days i'm going to lose a toe or an eyeball. i'm scared to touch doorhandles or shake people's hands (especially after today's talks on the work being done on poverty-influencing parasites that like to eat intestines... fascinating and yet another step on my path to becoming one of those crazy antibacterial gel touting fools). there's even a microwave in the kitchen area for the floor that is adorned with a sign saying "This microwave is only to be used for food FOR HUMAN CONSUMPTION." the fact that they needed to clarify that so forcefully may influence me back in to a more raw diet.
it's funny, my mother said to me yesterday "i always knew you'd end up with a science-y guy." of course, depending on previous employment choices i've made, she's said things like "i always knew you'd end up with a rich guy." or "i always knew you'd end up with an athlete (and take care of me in my old age)". and although i did get the opportunity to step in to an elevator with 3 men, each carrying some part of the happy hour that happens on fridays on the deck (there was the bread man, the cheese man, and the beer man), i have to remind her that not only do i not go in to the labs to troll for my future Mr., but i'm terrified of doing so for fear of what sort of cooties comes with that deal.
current mood:
eww, cooties