movin' on upin a strange but fortuitous turn of events, i've been promoted... on a temporary basis. weird, right? and my new post, while still in alumni affairs, is an even stranger place to imagine me: i'm the new (temp?) assistant director of alumni for biological sciences. me, the communication major, sociology minor, who went screaming from the sciences. the long story, short = the person who was in that spot moved on to another position, leaving me to step up in to the role temporarily, which would be easier for the HR side of things (since it's notoriously and frustratingly slow), through the end of the fiscal year, in this case, june of '09. i'm admittedly a little nervous, as my confidence has taken a serious blow from my last year of work (one word: embarrassing), but all-in-all, this is a good step on the path of putting me where i want to be. so if you need me, professionally, i'll be knee-deep in petri dishes over on the southwest corner of campus.
current mood:
ready for a new start