i heart the gays. and target.i don't know why i get so surprised by people sometimes when deep down i should know better. i was talking to someone yesterday, quite casually, when she said something about "do you shop at walmart?" being the biggest non-supporter of the place, i scrunched my face up and diplomatically declared "no, i'm not really a fan, i'm more of a target kinda girl." she answered immediately with "well, it supports gays, so i don't really like shopping at a place that supports something i'm so strongly against."
i managed to conceal the reaction on my face (i think) and simply said "huh." it seems i had momentarily shelved the fact that this lady held strongly in her faith that homosexuality is a sin, and i hadn't realized the extent to which this played out in her life. i suppose it's like those people who boycott dolphin un-friendly tuna. but since i'm not friends with any dolphins, it's not something i think about. i like target even more now, because i like the gays, and conversely dislike walmart even more for the same reasons.
current mood: