grossly overestimatedi sat down the other night in another attempt to tackle the GMAT. with no real strategy in mind for a study-structure, i decided to try my hand at the different sections in the book. i went straight for the stuff i knew i could do with a breeze: anything english related. i figured i could boost my ego a bit. back in the day of lots of standardized testing (SAT I and II, ACT, etc), i could run circles around the reading comprehension and grammar sections ... blindfolded. deductive reasoning? no problem! i once scored a 178 on a practice LSAT (out of 180). the bane of my test scores was always math, which i renounced at first jump in college.
test: practice. section: grammar. score: POOR. dang it, i'm so out of practice. maybe the "do what you always do, aka WING IT" strategy is not the one i should be going for.
current mood: