wait a minute, mister postmanfor the third time in a few days, my coworker and i try to explain to the tired delivery man that keith richards does NOT, in fact, work with us. we happened to be in the office late (shocking!) when the dhl guy came a'knocking. i hear him trying to convince my coworker that the flat package actually DID belong to us, and i interrupt him to correct his assumptions, and bring to light the fact that we had received 2 other wayward mailings late last week: another one addressed to that handsome, handsome man of the rolling stones, and one addressed to everyone's favorite documentary-er (documentalist?) michael moore. except that one was misspelled micheal... something funky going on here.
not only were the addresser's information on all 3 documents oddly similar, all foreign to california (hey, IA is far away lands!), but all phone numbers were disconnected. as i started sleuthing these pieces together, the delivery guy was awkwardly complimenting my coworker's "beautiful eyes". i finally just told her to sign for the package in order to shed him quickly, and i dialed campus police.
maybe it was overreaction, but i remember the days of anthrax going through the mail. and i also am QUITE aware of the college shootings going on lately. not to mention the fact that a certain known student has been angrily stalking another co-worker of mine recently.
this morning i drove by my office first to make sure it was still standing. the cops came by to get my report, and their suggestion was to send the letters back to the carrier service. the same guy came by and, looking annoyed, picked them up. so hopefully i remain unpoisoned and un-letter-bombed going forward as well, but trust me when i say i'm acutely aware of it walking up the steps to my office each morning.
current mood: