funny thing about language...i was recently pleasantly surprised by an email from my japanese twin (seriously, we'd be sisters if we weren't an ocean apart) that she is engaged and planning on being married on february 2nd of next year. since we've met, i've always wondered what would happen when one of us got engaged... would we cross that big blue pacific to be at each other's day, despite planes, trains, and language barriers?
i want to be there. i REALLY do. but let's take the head out of fantasy land for a second, and think clearly here: there's work, for one thing. not so much the boss making me be there as the things that need to get done. then there's the vagina monologues rehearsals, to which i committed to being at every one. committment is not one i take lightly. then there's the fact that i would be the complete and utter odd-one-out at the wedding itself, and usually, you like to be able to talk to the people at your table, you know?
(notice how $$ is not an issue here. i'll hook if i have to.)
i replied to marika's email with an innocuous "oh, i wish i could go...", forgetting at the moment the subtlety of language differences. in english, "i wish i could" usually indicates a polite and wistful decline. however, my culture got away from me for a moment, forgetting to remind me that "i wish i could" in japanese indicates that you have every intention to, you're just waiting for the engraved invitation so as not to seem rude.
oops. my engraved invitation will be arriving in the mail soon. my hotel room is already booked and paid for by the bride and groom... seems that reality and fantasy have shaken hands...
current mood:
hard at work, trying to align stars