hyper-prudenti've never considered myself entirely straight-laced, but i have recently been exposed to my own continence (which, i suppose, is better than
incontinence) and it has come as a bit of a shock. drug use? absolutely none. drunken debauchery? uhh, none. threesomes? none. man, what the heck was i doing in college, anyway? a lot of the scenarios presented to me in a recent conversation i was having where he was discovering just how prudent i was (am?) i qualified by saying "but given the chance...", but i'm not sure it mattered after his jaw dropped when i informed him that i was closer to 21 than to 12 when i first kissed a boy.
normally i wouldn't think twice about the conversation, but it was revealed to me again, in a different forum, that i may be perceived as uptight by those around me more than i perceive myself. 5 minutes in a parking lot, where i steered a friend of mine on the phone away from an oncoming car, grabbed another's arm to stop her from crossing the path of a reversing 4runner, and nearly had a heartattack when our driver decided to assert her right-of-way in front of an accelerating sedan. personally, i have less faith in the awareness abilities of other people behind the wheels of their vehicles, and err on the side of caution. but should we just call a duck a duck, and get me to a nunnery?
current mood: