i'm just socialafter having been recently accused of online-stalking as i noticed a cyber-friend had made some significant changes to his e-profiles, i hotly defended myself in alignment with my job. "i have to be online all day, because my students are." it's true, my constituents spend way too many hours staring at their screens, waiting for the latest! breaking! news! ... like their friend changed their profile picture! admittedly not the best use of salary dollars when it comes to spending my time. but i can't help but be drawn to where they are, and i can't help satiating that vain and probably just a little voyeuristic side of me too... where do i stand in your top friends? what do your profile pictures say about you?
ah, i should probably stop blogging about it and go make my social networking rounds... or, perhaps i should tear myself away from my keyboard, use those two stumps attached to my hips to walk around and actually have personable relations with other beings who don't need a click of the mouse to super-poke me. but, i'm absolutely immersed in the worlds of facebook/myspace/friendster... and believe it or not, i get paid for it!
current mood:
i don't stalk, i observe