coping skillsthanks to all who have sent their thoughts and prayers our way. happy to say that the fam is allowed back at the homestead now, as of 9:30 this morning, but the air on the way there is so bad, they're waiting it out until the smokiness doesn't kill the bird. i've already resolved myself to the fact that i probably have black lung, and thus may take up smoking because, heck, why not?
it's been interesting, and sort of surreal, to be out and about these past 2 days or so. for the most part, it seems that people i see aren't really affected, and i keep getting annoyed at their, well, unaffectedness. but maybe that's just their way of keeping calm, as it seems that the people around me have all put on their own masks to deal, whether that is straight-up tears, foolish heroics, illogical demands, or my personal OCD diligence, being glued to the couch and devouring channel 8 news for days (not hours, but DAYS) straight.
that being said, i'm starting to get bored. work has been cancelled for the week, and the air is too awful to enjoy san diego. i l
et myself venture not too far from home when i went to a friend's house, and we ate cookies and pizza, played pretty pretty princess, and of course drank wine and champagne. her husband is a firefighter, and she was having to field all sorts of calls, but we all appreciated the company. i can think of no better way to go, actually, when the going gets rough.
current mood: getting stir crazy