cajonesi just had someone walk in to my work, and wander around a bit until one of my colleagues asked if he could be helped. he let her know that he was looking for someone, a girl with long brown hair. my coworker, who has short curly brown hair, led him my way, explaining that there could be 2 culprits with that description. and as she led the way into our office, we turned to find our friend with a tall stranger. it took me a second to recognize the guy: a stranger i had given directions to in the student plaza yesterday. he had remembered my offhand comment about working at the alumni association, and had made it a point to come find me and ask me out for coffee. (can't, i have a meeting) or after that (can't, have dodgeball) or after that. and, uh, to ask me for my name.
current mood: dang. that's cajones.