things i'm allergic to:* salmon
* malted alcoholic beverages (i.e. wine coolers)
* playing sports on the hardwood gym floor
healthy alternatives:* dungeness crab
* captain morgan
* playing wii on the living room carpet
i managed to avoid 2 of my 3 allergies this weekend in san fran (who puts salmon in ceviche?!) and even then it was probably a good thing my stomach was on fishy protest considering how much more food i was able to turn down. i did have a guy in the ice cream shop offer to buy me a cone in sausalito... kind of a pg-rated version of an older bar scene. our other culinary escapades included korean bbq, vietnamese plus crab, and brunch at a german restaurant... i know, i was curious too.
after our saturday night antics where i almost got stuck in club purgatory for giving my vip ticket to dave and then not being able to get back in, we all made our way to our separate corners of the city to sleep in, and got together for sil's big day on sunday. after the ceremony, where i somehow managed to stay awake the WHOLE time (!!), we headed back to stockton for some family time. monday morning came too soon, with me cooking some blueberry pancakes, and silvi and dave hammering nails into coconuts so our straws would fit inside. we worked off breakfast with some boxing and tennis in the living room ; )
all in all, a lovely weekend with the fam. i have a new found appreciation for the city by the bay, and other than being FREEZING at times, i consider san fran my homey.
current mood:
congratulations, doctor huang!