dumpster diveron a random tuesday morning, i wander to my car on my way to work, taking along a domestic chore to stop by the trash can on the way by. i'm careful to lift the lid with the hand that contains my keys, careful not to fling them in to the murky darkness of the trash can along with my kitchen garbage. having dumped, i continued to my vehicle, started it and went along the sunny road towards a long day ahead. 6 blocks later, the little niggle in the back of my head becomes a full-fledged flag: my carefully prepared lunch is NOT in the seat next to me... which can only mean one thing. i head back to the alley containing my designated trash recepticle, and peer down... there it is, sitting neatly on top of the bag of my kitchen scraps. unfortunately, they are the only 2 items in the bin, causing me to have to balance the leaning beast over while holding up the lid and reaching deep into its bowels. luckily for me, the handles were sticking straight up, and i managed to snag the flying food somewhat easily and relatively cleanly before stashing it safely on the passenger seat on my second attempt to start the day.
current mood:
mmm, appetizing