to vegas? or not to vegas?it's that time of year again, the time when karate kids all over the world are gearing up for the craziness that is vegas on easter weekend. more specifically, the couple o' tournaments that go down on the strip that weekend. although i have officially retired, i am strangely lured to the call this year... for some reason i feel i might have a chance to do okay in the new weapons division they have implemented this year. have a chance, of course, because of all the non-training, leaving practice early or not showing up, the complaining, and the new kata not really gone all the way through yet.
sensei, as usual, wants me to go. and i told him i would decide on the morning of the friday we're supposed to be there whether or not i will sport the ryuei ryu emblem on my chest at the flamingo hotel that weekend. i waver everyday on whether or not i'll risk it; if i dedicated myself to training, i'm sure i could make up the time and experience i'm up against. but then, the key part to that, is dedicating and motivating myself in the first place. right.
current mood: