i heartcarrying over from last night, i have spent most of today in a haze of little hearts swirling about my head. i absolutely fell in love, and it feels great. the lucky man happens to be married... to a lucky woman, with some lucky munchkins running around too. confused?
i was able to spend the evening at the house of some ucsd alumni who had volunteered to open their home and host a handful of current students for dinner. besides making an awesome spread, i was truly in awe of the ease in which the alumni lived life. they have 3 young kids (the baby's only 6 weeks!), and made it look effortless to be hosting 8 people in their house, like it was an everyday occurrence. they had a fluid energy, calming and exciting all at once. they are the most open and generous people i think i have met in a long time, and i found myself telling them that i will be coming to them for advice and mentoring once i have a family of my own, as they make it seem so... so... accessible. not easy, that's for sure. but definitely do-able. and smart. they've made me see it as a grand adventure, not a scary, but necessary, endeavor. parenting has always seemed like such an impossible task, and i somehow now have a new respect for my own abilities to be tested.
now... to find a boy to get all THAT going... hahahaha. right, no prob.
current mood:
generosity turns me on.