because of the windour disneyland adventure turned out to be, uhh, blustery, to say the least. actually, most of the rides were shut down (even the indoors ones), and the only thing they kept saying was "because of the wind". it became a mission of ours to see how many times we could get the disney people to tell us something was awry 'because of the wind.' i think i will include it as a regular entry of reasons things aren't always as they seem.
it didn't really matter that it was shut doan anyway, as katy and i were happy just to be there, and she was happy to be skipping school, and i was happy to shoot aliens in buzz lightyear, as that was one of the only rides that WAS open. spent most of our time photographing ducks, sitting in the restaurant talking, and waiting in the annual passport office as katy tried to apply and simultaneously shake off the guy who just wanted to talk about america and was trying to recruit her.
now i'm done with paris and have to run upstairs to grab my luggage and board the chunnel back to london.
au revoir!current mood:
home again, home again, jiggety jig