BST in the ATLi'm currently sitting in a shady "wyndham" hotel room in atlanta on a whirlwind business trip to see the falcons. i have to question the officialness of the hotel since it's connected to another hotel and it's marked with a vinyl banner stuck over a cracked facade... at least georgia's not known for its earthquakes, right?
i will be returning to my precious mecca of san diego tomorrow evening, having left my warm bed this morning at 4:30 to barely catch my 7am flight. usual rudeness followed at security, and when i finally reached my gate, dressed in my business casual loafers, slacks, and sweater, i spot my president, rolling over to me in ripped jeans and a tshirt.
dangit, shoulda stayed in my pj's for sure!
PS - will post my (award-winning!!) costume pictures from halloween when i get back... have yet to find one where i don't look disoriented and dizzy... though i suppose that was the nature of the costume anyway.
current mood:
"hard at work"