happy bday to the piratewelcome to t-man's bday week, hope you enjoy the ride. so far, it's been fun for us. i had tricked the man into committing to coming to a "karate seminar" event for the 3rd of october, and in the meantime i bought tix to the paul simon concert. i had to trick him, you see, b/c he would have bought the tix himself otherwise. it wasn't until he was in the car on the way to the karate gig that he found out he wasn't going to have to suffer through some terribly boring lecture-type event, wrapped conveniently in a get-out-of-jail-free theme. the concert was great, especially with the 5th row seats i scored.
part 2, which was my favorite part, took a lot more legwork, and a LOT more effort on my part to keep quiet since i was SO amused by it. i'm horrible at keeping secrets, and had to designate myself a secret-keeper who i could contact when i got the urge to spill. long story short, i had arranged to get him the morning after the concert off so he could sleep in, so i contacted a (former) colleague of his who i had never met, to help me in this endeavor. a couple of weeks ago, t-man and i went to her bday party where she was very blasted, and surprisingly able to not reveal that we sorta knew each other already (though that was about all the restraint she showed). t-man was not only impressed by the fact that i arranged to get the morning off for him, but amused by the way in which i did it (though i think he was more amused at the fact that i was SO amused by it). as an added bonus, i had my sis drop off breakfast for us from a place that he's been wanting to try for a long time.
so now, on to parts "happy hour", "2.5", "wine tour", and "3" (dinner, though he doesn't know where).
current mood:
oh oh it's magic