unpreparedSubject: Yo Britt, prepare to be shamelessly hit on.
Message: Hello,
I am Phil. Not the only Phil persay, but one of the better ones I think. Sure, I'm no Hartman, Donahue, Seymor Hoffman or -anthropist, but I'm pretty spiffy. I'm less chubby than Seymor Hoffman, a better listener than Donahue, and unlike Phil Hartman, I'm not married to a psychopathic woman who will murder me for infidelity That's right, I'm alive, which is one of my many selling points. My other attributes I have modestly bragged about in my friendster profile, for your viewing pleasure. Basically, I really liked reading about you, you seem like a really interesting person, and if you are still single I'd like to coerce you into a date. Check me out and write me if you approve.
Phil xxxxx
(619) xxx-xx00
current mood: laughing. a lot.