yarr yarr yarryou would think a company that provides managed web services would declare the industry-equivalent of snow day if all wire communication mysteriously went down and the entire staff is without email, internet, or phones.
you would think... or rather, you would wish. or rather, i would wish.
our lack of e-outlets also set off our system monitoring system, sending just over 45 alerts to my cell phone in a matter of 10 minutes or so. everytime i erased one, 2 more would pop up. by about round 23, i was ready to chuck my phone off the 9th floor. throw in the frustration of having someone check a document, then come back to me with all the corrections that need to be made to it AFTER i've sent it out... well, all i have to say is "yarrrrrrrr".
current mood:
mood surely to improve once free from this mess