sex phonicsi'm surrounded by people having sex. i'm not saying that to point out that everyone seems to be having sex; quite literally the neighbors on (almost) all sides of me are having sex, like all the time. i guess that's what i get for being so un-sleepy.
personally, i would like my place of residence to be a quiet sanctuary. somewhere where i can be the one choosing to interrupt the peace; i tend to get annoyed when others are making that decision for me. but in my current situation, i don't get that choice, so i need to figure out what's worse: being woken up at all hours of the night by wall-thumping, seemingly unending musical shell that tries to envelope the sounds of the throes of passion, or being woken up at all hours of the night by the sounds of the throes themselves. i did a little research, and in fact, it turns out i am under no legal, political, social or religious moral to ever know that the lady upstairs fakes it. despite my reprieve, and the brevity of those particular episodes, i still can't escape it.
so what's the lesser evil? earplugs don't seem to work; they tend to drown out the sound of my alarm, but let through every other sound in the world. and though i've done it before for the ridiculous house-parties, i would feel rather bad (karma and all) about calling the police on the music players. at least they're trying. so, the question is, what to do? what to do? tell 'em to knock it off (eh, i couldn't do that. i'm of the "good for them!" school of thought.) install giant noise cancelling speakers? ...
... move??
current mood: