Thursday, July 07, 2005
i was only doing what he asked!
OR: how i came to bite one of the most notorious senseis in modern karate b*: sensei, i think i should tell you... i bit demura-sensei.at the beginning of the clinic, sensei fumio demura asked everyone to gather round. "i don't bite" he insisted, as i mused quietly under my breath "hehe, i do." sensei demura was making a point about the prettiness versus the practicality of learning karate. he had a rather taller student (demura sensei is maybe my height?) put him in a headlock as he explained why karate kids would never be champion ufc fighters. we are taught to go for the groin, the instep, the face to get out of situations. but in practicality, he explained, it's really easy to get out of the situation YAHHHHHHH.... he latched his teeth onto the headlockers chest and was quickly released. we didn't know whether to laugh or applaud or...? afterall, he is one of the top-rated senseis in the world...? later on, demura sensei decided he wanted me to be his dummy, and i became his lovely assistant in showing certain techniques. at one point, he tried to show how open my defense was when doing a certain block, and while he reached past my arm towards my shoulder, out came the teeth. except they were mine this time. i lightly chomped onto his arm and he jumped back in surprise. the looks of surprise surrounding me were enough to keep me giggling on the ground while demura-sensei shook his finger at me with a smile, "you very funny, huh?" i nodded in agreement. high-jinx aside, i still had to let gomez-sensei know about my little, er, lesson? indiscretion? he gave me that special look reserved for me, and later apologized to demura-sensei. "sensei, i want to apologize for my student biti..." demura-sensei erupted in laughter "i like her....". he respectfully kept his distance for the rest of the tournament, though. |