to all the hotties i have loved, this one's for you... Kind of.
upon the revelation of a current/former love interest to a third party, it never fails to amuse me when that person reacts by saying (surprised? approving?) "oh! he's... cute!". like today: i was talking to a friend of mine who happens to know my ex, but didn't know we were together. when she found out, her face lit up and she enthusiastically mouthed the words "he's HOT!" (uh, yeah, he is) and said "good for you!" (uhhh...?) my initial reaction is usually along the solid lines of maturity sounding something like "well, duh!" but i have learned to restrain myself from doing that anymore. from there, i continue to cycle through some resentment (like, "what, you're saying that i'm not or something? like i couldn't get him if i wanted? like you're surprised?") and usually end up somewhere in the neighborhood of pride. My actual reaction is usually "i know!" but i have to admit, an occassional "thank you" slips in.
i like to think i have good taste.