who? what??
every japanese class i've taken has been an adventure, and this one is no exception. My name has always brought out the best in the teachers: I've gotten "toe-ro-jee"-san, "toe-weezy"-san, the tolerable "buritto"-san and the now latest "Dorothy"-san. err,
who?? The first time i was called on, I started laughing, mostly because i was trying to figure out if the sensei was actually talking to me, and because my friends were looking at me like "dorothy?!". I thought maybe she'd get over it, but she keeps calling me dorothy, even telling the class that
"dorothy-san ga ii sensu desu." (i have good fashion sense. thanks). The thing is, i've had this teacher before, so i'm not sure what prompted her to start calling me dorothy. Ahh, there's no place like nihongo-class!
We had a super cute j-girl who was trying to improve her english as much as we were wanting to up our japanese come to class yesterday. we all asked her a question in japanese, and in turn, she would ask us questions in english: do you play sports? what kind of music do you like? why are you learning japanese? Wanna know what I got?:
Do you like Japanese girls? i'm sure the look on my face was what prompted her to change her question to, "okay then, do you like Japanese boys?" but it's hard to be sure...{{insert nervous giggle here}} those funny language mishaps... I think... umm...yeah