consider me alerted
I saw something for the first time yesterday that was at the same time, greatly disturbing and greatly relieving. As I was driving down the freeway, I noticed the electrical traffic warning billboard actually had a message on it. Reminiscent of
"L.A. Story" I read the message in the faint hope that my fortune and fate would be revealed in a cryptic, yet entertaining, way. What I read, however, was far from that. Typed across the board was "Child Abduction, Red Jeep SUV, Lic. Plate 4CUX...". My stomach knotted immediately. What a terrible realization that things like this happen all the time. Simultaneously, what an ingenious way to get the message to so many people so fluidly. I, of course, started checking all around me looking for a red Jeep SUV, cell phone poised, ready to catch the bad guy. At the same time, I said a little prayer for the abducted child. I hope he/she is home safely.