call me, i'm bored.
since monday, i've been slowing down; no energy, no focus. I skipped practice mon. night, powered thru tuesday's nihongo no kurasu, and managed to get through karate on wed... thursday i at least showed up to class, but left minutes before the sensei walked in (and then picked up a hitchhiker. yeah. i don't know, but i got invited to a keg'r from it. whee.) Friday turned out to muster more enthusiasm, though, as our usual no-work policy seeped in my department, and i spent the evening and wee hours o'the morn' with natalie up in san clemente area. We were at a Japanese teppan-ya (hibachi) place, with a mexican muttering chef trying to not be upstaged by nat speaking (screaming?) italian to the couple across the table. Quite cultural. The best part was when the couple was asking if we were all single:
italian lady, to natalie: Libera?
nat: si, si,
((points to herself)) Libera.
((points to me)) Libera
(thanks, nat).
italian lady, to bryce: Libero?
bryce: no, i'm a virgo.
My stomach still hurts from laughing. Sat and sun i just putzed around, didn't participate in the kumite seminar (would rather not devote a 3rd weekend in a row to getting punched) and mostly just put a lot of miles on my car with no particular place to go. Not even parking way out in the kokomo.