your mommy kills puppies
Activists humor me. Although I do tend to think that they waste a lot of energy on their "cause", I think that they also have a couple of priorities outta whack. Specifically, let's talk about the activist group very much seeping into my life on a regular basis. Yes, folks, that would be everyone's favorite crazies:
PeTA! They may have nothing against me, but they definitely have something against my job. What makes me simultaneously laugh and shudder are the disturbing things that PeTA does to get its point across. My personal favorite is the
latest 'Fur is Murder' campaign involving a comic book about your mom. And the "Pigs are Friends, Not Food" stickers you can order from PeTA Kids are always fun. Working in CustSat, I had my share of run-ins with the crazies, but PeTA mostly operated by correspondance (occassional phone calls, too). But when my boss has to pull me aside to let me know that, hey, by the way, when you try to leave work tonight, you'll see a bunch of PeTA protesters having a candlelight vigil on our front lawn, it makes me wonder if they realize how wacky they are actually appearing. And I wonder if I get more points if I knock one of them over with my car AND their candle goes out...