Monday, January 26, 2004
deep breath in...
... and off we go to another week. The weekend FLEW by with the help of some super fantabulous friends and family and mischief afoot. I also have 2 new additions to the menagerie: Black & Decker. 2 little mice that stay at work (since their safety is not guaranteed at home) that will probably end up getting me sued over name copyright infringement. But dang are they cute. And for those of you in-the-know, can you tell how much of this weekend actually was HEAVILY EDITED out? Ehem, ... ... YEAH. I take my job as "First Amendment Police" (as I was dubbed by spike) very seriously, even in my personal life, seemingly. Though I am truly bursting with wanting to jabber about it all, I will refrain. Leaving me... frustrated. |