ghandi would be so proud
picture a lovely little cafe on the waterfront. You are doctoring up your large coffee with the usual 9 packets of sugar (okay, maybe like 5) and half-cup of cream, and find it necessary to stir your new potion, only to discover that the coffee stirrer is about an inch shorter than the cup. What do you do? Burn your fingers? Only stir what can be reached, thus ignoring the layer of sludgy sugar on the bottom? Or register your protest with a tone of irony to your fantabulous friend with you, loud enough for the person behind the counter to say "use a straw." She obviously missed the point. Fast forward a few weeks to the same lovely cafe. You order the same drink, and reaching for a stirrer, you draw your hand back in surprise. Nestled neatly between the straws and the standard-sized stirrers, you find an elongated solution: the super-sized stirrer long enough to scrape up the sugar on the bottom without scalding your phalanges. Register your delight of
"being the change you want to see in the world" by calling your fantabulous friend and gloating about the small success in stirring up this crazy world.