like a 3 day hug
((contented sigh)), what a fab weekend. Hanging out with my peoples always manages to bring me back to myself in such a great way. Buying some new boots helps too. Darius came down on Friday and we spent Saturday frolicking about San Diego, just like old times. We had a little family reunion at Souplantation on Friday night with Amy and Larry, and on Saturday we helped to warm the house of Daniel and Ginette. Fun times ensued. Adding to the excitement was the fact that Kristy and I and my stuff from Japan were all reunited, and I spent the evening swathed in silk (i.e. the traditional dress of Vietnam that I had custom made for me when I was there) because of command modeling performance. Those Vietnamese really know what's up; I wouldn't mind all silk, all the time. It's like staying in your pajamas all day...and really, let's face it, there's nothing wrong with that! I got to hang with my sistie-ugler (she loves that nickname... more than that, ehem,
other name we call her) and that's even better than being surrounded in silk and friends and tasty cocktails. Hard to imagine, but it's true.
I do wish I could have done more instant updates (and seriously makeover this site. Ick)... I need to get internet connection at home. But first I need to reformat my computer because Microsoft hates me or feels like I need more challenge in my life or i don't know what. I shoulda bought a Mac. I knew it then and i'm reminded of it now... I hang my head in shame for the disloyalty. But before I reformat, I need to get my files off the computer. And to do that, I need time. And THAT is where the problem lies, really. I suppose I could try to do it tonight, but instead I am choosing to venture once again into the dungeon of deadly allergens... also known as karate practice. Here's to hoping I don't get dizzy, pass out, or vomit!